• Principle of radiation and convectionopen or close

    The Cosy - ART heaters, thanks to their construction principle, gather two principles of heat diffusion: Radiation and a little bit of convection. The convection is a transformation of cold air in hot air by contact with a hot heating element. The heated air, elevates in the air, and gradually drops down in temperature and lower in the room, creating thus a flow of air in the room. The convection brings rapid heat in the room.

    The main source of heat of the Cosy - ART heater is radiation. Similar to the heat waves of the sun, the emmissivity of the different materials used, propagates infra red heat on the walls, and all solid elements of the room. This generates a comfortable warmth in the room for the users, as it is more homogeneous. The difference of air temperature in the room is considerably reduced.

    The combination of the two heating technologies enable the user to enjoy a comfortable and healthy air inside the room.

  • Regulation operatingopen or close

    The regulator is a regulation device fixed on the heater and aimed at managing the operating of the heater, in order to generates energy savings and costs savings.

    How does it work ?
    The thermostat is an electronic card inserted in a box fixed behind the heater (in order to preserve the esthetic of the heater). This card is connected to all the electric system of the heater, and equipped of a temperature sensor (to control the room temperature) and presents two buttons outside. The first button presents figures from 0 to 8 and reflects the level of chosen temperature that the user desires. The figure 5 represents around 20¡C.

    The second button presents images of the different modes of operation of the heater, that will operates depending on the temperature designated by the first button :

    • Full thermometer (Comfort): This mode corresponds to the one used when the user is inside the room. This mode will enable to reach the desired temperature wished by the user with the first button. If the button is on 5, and that the second button is on the full thermometer, the heater will have as an order to maintain the temperature of the room at around 20¡C in the room.
    • Half thermometer: This mode is made for the periods where the user leaves the house for a temporary moment. A positioning on the half thermometer will help the heater to decrease the temperature of the room by 3,5 ¡C, generating energy savings.
    • Snow : This function is aimed at exceptional use of the heater, when the user leave thŽ house for few days or week. Positioning the button on snow will enable the heater to maintain the temperature to a minimum level of 8¡C.
    • Stop : Corresponds to the complete stop of the device.
    • Clock (Programming mode) : This mode enables you to connect your device to thŽ pilot wire network of your house and all the other devices installed. The user will be able to program all the devices together.

  • Operating of the pilot wireopen or close

    Dor the new housings, the electric walls systems are equipped with phase and neutral wire as well as a third black wire called pilot wire. This black wire enable an electric message to be sent to heaters and connect heaters altogether. The main heater connected would be called therefore the master heater, and the others, the slave heaters.

    This configuration will enable the user to pilot all the heaters altogether, instead of one by one.

  • Warrantyopen or close

    The warrant y is indicated on the invoice of purchase of your device. Only this warranty is valid.

  • Installation of the product, connexionopen or close

    • Installation of the device: The Cosy - ART heaters prŽsent a double advantage concerning the installation. First, their weight is inferior to other design heaters from the market. Second, the fixing system is extremely simple: An insulated back panel is fixed on the wall. The heater has then to be clipsed on the fixing devises of the back panel. This system is therefore simple, easy to connect, easy to clean and also, present an insulation on the back at the same time. Generating more energy savings.
    • Connexion: The Cosy - ART heaters are equiped with a classic wire system with phase, neural and the pilot wire. The three wires are delivered without electric outlet, to be then fixed directly on the electric mainframe of the housing, according to the law.

  • Distance d'installationopen or close

    Living rooms and bedrooms: The distance of installation depends very much of the type of heater used. In the case of Cosy - ART heaters, we recommend to the persons installing the devices to plan the following distances, to enable the radiation to be efficient and therefore raobtain a conformable heat :

    • Sides of the heater: Plan 20 cm to avoid the overheat of other items around, and to keep a certain esthetic,
    • Above the heater: Plan 30 cm minimum to let the convection of the back escape,
    • Bottom of the heater: Plan 15 to 20 cm to keep the esthetic of the heater,
    • In front of the heater: Plan at least two meters to ensable the radiation to operate efficiently. The prŽsence of an object in front will prevent the radiation to propagate in the room.
      Check the part on the rules for the bathroom.

  • Choice of the poweropen or close

    The choice of the power generally depends of the size of the room as well as the height, but also the insulation. This last criteria is very important as the housings are more and more recents and well insulated.
    During a long time, the recommendations were around 100 watts per square meter, with ceilings of 2,40 meters.
    The new rules on the energy savings are pushing the housings and their owners to proceed to renovations, specifically for the insolation of their housing. The needs of energy inside the house will therefore become less and less important.

    The Cosy - ART heaters therefore anticipate the future needs of energy and propose a range with a technology enabling to put only between 50 and 80 watts per square meter, depending of the insulation.

  • Bathroom: Regulationsopen or close

    Volume 0
    This volume represents your shower tray or your bath. Therefore, it is strictly forbidden to install any electric device in this area.

    Volume 1
    This volume corresponds to the area until 2,25 m above the bath or the gray. Only your water stoppage system is tolerated in this area, if it reaches IP protection high enough to prevent any water to come in.

    Volume 2
    This area is authorized for the heating and lighting devices of class II, that is to say the double insulated devices. Protected against the water projections. Carrying the NF branding. The devices can be installed only if the user of the tray of the bath cannot access from the bath or the tray, the control panel.

    Volume 3
    CThis is the area where you can place the outlets and the devices of class I (washing machine, drying machineÉ) carrying the NF branding. make sure they are linked to an earth connexion.
    Ou portent le symbole de la double isolation. Ou soient alimentés par un transformateur de séparation et protégés contres les chutes verticales de gouttes d'eau.

  • Water and Electricity: Watch Out !open or close

    Never use any electric device with your hands wet or having the feet inside water: The risks of electrocutions are high. Never use any water to extinguish a fire with electric origins.

    Every heating device installed in a bathroom, must be protected, whatever the class, by a differential installation with high sensitivity (30 mA or more) This system will cut the power at any problem.

  • What to do when my heater Cosy - ART is not heating anymore?open or close

    Check with all necessary security measures (ex: turn off the power) that the heaters is well connected and that the connexion is properly established. This check can requires the intervention of a professional if you do not have the necessary security measures knowledges to make yourself the intervention. Check that the hater is properly put on a mode and not on the "turn-off" button.

    Check that the temperature in the room is not too high, which would imply that the heater has reached the required temperature by the regulator. Don't forget that a heater functions by intermediary steps and not continuously, to enable a good regulation of the temperature in the room, as well as energy savings.

    Try also to change the mode of the regulator and put the button on "comfort" to see if the heater starts.

    In last step, contact the supplier or the distributor.

  • Que faire lorsque mon radiateur Cosy Art chauffe en permanence ?open or close

    Vérifier que la molette de température n'est pas positionnée su rune température trop élevée.

    Vérifier que la puissance de votre appareil est bien adaptée à l taille de votre pièce.

    Vérifier que l'isolation de votre maison est correcte.

    En dernier lieu, contacter votre fournisseur.

  • What do to when my heater operates continously ?open or close

    Check that the button of temperature is not positioned on a too high temperature.

    Check that the power of your device is well adapted and dimensioned to the room.

    Check that the insulation is proper and well adapted.

    In last step, contact your supplier or distributor.

  • What to do when my Cosy Art heater is not following anymore the commands and orders given by the regulator ?open or close

    Change mode to operate further checks.

    Cut the thermostat during one hour and reconnect it afterwards. Check if the function came back to normal.

    Contact your provider.

  • What to do when my Cosy Art heater does not heat enough ?open or close

    Check that the figures button is not positioned on a too low level

    Then check that the power of the heater is well adapted to the size of the room.

    Then check that the insulation if proper in the room.

  • What to do when the time of heating is too long?open or close

    CThe Cosy Art heaters are heaters that emit radiation and a little bit of residual convection. This is therefore normal that the time of heat is longer than a basic convector. One hour can sometimes be necessary before the user feels the comfort provided by the heater.

    If the problem remains, contact your provider.